Introducing: The Blue Ribbon Mule

Scrap the Vodka. Easy to mix, perfect to serve, always on deck. 

What You Need: 

  • 1.5 oz Blue Ribbon Whiskey 
  • 3/4 oz Lime Juice 
  • Ice (Crushed, if you’re fancy) 
  • Ginger Beer  
  • 1-2 Dashes of Angostura Bitters
  • Lime Wedge 
  • Mint Sprig 

Prep by slicing lime for garnish, if you’re feeling up to it. 

Add in Blue Ribbon Whiskey, pour (or squeeze in) lime juice and add ice. Fill with Ginger Beer and add 1-2 dashes of Angostura Bitters (to taste). Top off by garnishing with lime wedge and mint sprig to add that nice, personal touch. 



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