If you’ve ever wanted to be a unicorn, this is your chance. 12135307_455940204608152_745918577_n14052338_853367184799921_761275303_n14134533_1277814172237359_254691854_n   Jen Fuller Studios shares the magic behind her Pabst unicorn mask… Just in time for Halloween! Now you can make one of your own. Added bonus… you can drink the beer while you make it.   14033479_255657911499378_513637401_n     Things you’ll need: 3 cases of Pabst Blue Ribbon Tape Scissors Glue Ruler           Download the template here —> MAKE YOUR OWN PABSTICORN MASK   Watch the instructional video below… [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGjGWsC99rI]   11312134_864923326889294_1681693398_n