10275960_10152044524401533_8277255207447963102_n The Loops ride turns 6 this year. To celebrate we’re going to throw a race, a party, and launch the official Loops website (rideloops.com). Race: 7PM Registration: 6PM. It’s $10 to race. This gets you your Loops VI Race shirt, and spoke card. The race will be alley cat style with checkpoints around Denver. All bikes are welcome. You won’t need a bag or a lock with you. You will probably want lights and a helmet though. Party: (Free) The Loops 6 Year Anniversary Party / Website Launch Party will start as the race starts. (7PM) So, come hang out and cheer on your friends. Bannock St. has a bunch of fun shit to do plus, we’ve got some really great bands lined up for your entertainment. Bands: Taverns (EP Release) https://www.facebook.com/tavernsband Mountiain And The Hound https://www.facebook.com/MountainAndTheHound Best Creeps https://www.facebook.com/BestCreeps Quantum Creep https://www.facebook.com/BestCreeps Thank you to our sponsors, supporters, and partners: Cinelli http://www.cinelli-usa.com/ PBR http://pabstblueribbon.com/ Chrome Industries http://www.chromeindustries.com/ State Bicycle Co. http://statebicycle.com/ Smith Optics http://www.smithoptics.com/ Knog http://www.knog.com.au/ Hiplok http://www.hiplok.com/ Primal Wear http://www.primalwear.com/ Non Stop Print Shop https://www.facebook.com/NonStopPrintShop Party Lord Kuzie Dudes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Party-Lord-Kuzie-Dudes/269138673138526 Denver Wheelmen http://www.denverwheelmen.com/ Andrew Hoffman http://andrewhoffmandesign.com/